A: What do you know about our company?


  B: Well, as I know this company is one of the largest and best in this field of business. It mainly produces toys for children. It employs more than 10,000 people throughout the world. The president now is Mr. Jackson. The Shanghai branch was founded five years ago with a staff of more than 2,000.

  B:据我所知,贵公司是本行业最大最好的 公司之一。主要生产儿童玩具,在全世 界有雇员1_余人,现任总裁是杰克 逊先生。上海公司创建于5年前,有职 员2000多人。

  A: Very good. If you enter this company, what department would you like to work in?

  A:很好。如果你被聘用的话,想在哪个部 门工作?

  B: May I work in sales department?


  A: OK. Oh, how much do you make at your current job, if you don’t mind my asking?

  A:好的。哦,如不介意的话,可以问一下您 目前的工资是多少吗?

  B: I’m paid 2, 000 yuan per month plus some allowances and bonus as that come to about 3,000 yuan a month. How much will you pay me?

  B:我每月挣2000元,加上补助,奖金一共 3000元左右。你们能付给我多少钱?

  A: Well, the starting salary for a clerk in our company is 2, 500 yuan monthly and after three months he would get a raise if his work is satisfactory.

  A:我们公司职员起薪每月2500元,3个月 后如果工作令人满意可获得加薪。

  B: Do you have any fringe benefits?


  A: Sure, we provide semi-annual bonus, a small bonus at Spring Festival, four weeks paid vacation a year.

  A:有的。我们提供半年奖、春节奖、四周带 薪休假。

  B: How about insurance and full health insurance?


  A: We can buy that for you.


  B: That sounds good.
